Category: Guides

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how many panels needed for a 5kW solar system

To set up a 5kw solar system with the standard 320W solar panels, you’re going to require a total of 16 panels. 16 panels x 320w = 5120w or 5.1kW. They measure 170cm x 100cm and when set up together in an array they cover 27m2 of roof space. 16 solar panels needed for a …

Do Solar Panels Work At Night

With the ever-increasing popularity of solar systems and installations, various questions have started to arise from the cost to the worth and even to its usage. One particularly striking inquiry is whether a solar panel can still function during the nighttime. The straight answer is a resounding no, solar panels do not generate energy at night.  …

Tilt and Azimuth v2

Azimuth angle refers to the orientation of the solar panel, i.e. direction that a solar panel is facing relative to the sun. It is usually calculated clockwise starting from the north and expressed in degrees. For example, a solar panel having an azimuth angle of 180° clockwise from north would imply that the panel is …

Is Solar a Scam

Ever come across the claim that solar panels are a con? The solar sector has been on a significant upswing lately, but regrettably, this expansion has also lured in fraudsters keen on exploiting unwary house owners. However, this does not mean solar panels and solar energy are a scam. Although solar scammers DO exist, so …

A solar panel with photovoltaic cells, generating electricity from the sun's energy

Have you ever gazed at the sun and wondered how its powerful rays could be harnessed to power our homes and businesses? Solar panels are an incredible solution to our growing energy needs, transforming sunlight into clean, renewable energy. In this article, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of solar panels, unravelling the mysteries of …

Selecting the right solar panels for your home

You’ve already made a wise choice by putting your money into a solar system. Now’s the moment to figure out how to get the most out of it. To get the most out of your solar and maximize solar savings: Use your appliances during the day, Stagger your consumption, Check for shade and debris, Regularly …

What Are the Disadvantages of Solar Energy in 2023

Solar energy, a renewable and clean source of power, has gained immense popularity in recent years. As more homeowners and businesses consider making the switch to solar, it’s essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of going solar. This blog post will delve deep into the disadvantages of solar energy in 2023, discussing aspects such …

Roof space required for a 3kW solar system

Solar power is becoming increasingly common, which allow us to use the solar energy in our homes and businesses. Solar electricity can be utilized for various purposes, it is highly feasible to use solar energy to charge gadgets, home appliances and now even vehicles. This can be possible by implementing and converting solar light into …

How To Run a Fridge on Solar Power

In today’s world, where sustainability and energy efficiency are paramount, harnessing solar power to run appliances like fridges is gaining popularity. Whether you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint or seeking off-grid solutions, solar-powered refrigeration offers a reliable and eco-friendly alternative. Fridges need a steady supply of electricity to maintain the freshness of food. On …

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