13kW Solar System: Price, Rebates & Output

With energy costs hitting the roof down under, heaps of Aussies are turning to 13 kW solar rigs as the smart choice for their pads and businesses. These top-notch setups can seriously slash your bills and are ace for the planet if you’re considering the solar switch.

This comprehensive guide will delve into the world of 13 kW solar systems, exploring costs, savings, efficiency factors, space requirements, government incentives, and maintenance considerations to help you make an informed decision.

  • A 13 kW solar system costs about $14,050 on average and has a payback period of 3 to 6 years.
  • Government rebates of approximately $5,856 are available to reduce the cost of installing a 13 kW solar system.
  • The savings of a 13 kW solar system range from $1,000 to $1,300 a quarter.
  • A 13 kW solar system generates about 50 kWh of energy per day and 18,250 kWh per year.

How much does a 13 kW solar system cost?

The average cost for a 13 kW solar system is $14,050, ranging between $10,000 to $18,000. This price is inclusive of the government rebate and GST.

The system’s actual cost will vary widely depending on location, brand, quality, inverter type, and the solar provider you choose.

Below is a table showing the price of a 13 kW solar system in different cities in Australia.

STC zone CityAverage cost (rebate and GST included)
1Townsville, Darwin $11,550
2Alice Springs $12,600
3Perth, Canberra, Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney $13,859
4Melbourne, Hobart $15,050

Price ranges for 13 kW solar systems

13kWh roottop solar system

The price range for a 13 kW solar system typically falls between $10,000 and $20,000. The distinction between various price points lies in the selection of panels and inverters.

In the following sections, we will explore budget-friendly options, mid-tier choices, and premium selections, each offering a different balance between cost and performance.

Solar panel typeAverage costDescription/features
Budget-friendly panels ("Quality on a Budget")$9,800Low efficiency but they are still functional

Lower power output and durability

Can offer long-term performance
Mid-tier panels$14,500Cost-effective and have a higher-efficiency

Good-quality components
Premium panels$18,000+High-quality components and features

Offer optimal performance and out-put

Highly durable

Budget-friendly options

Cost-effective options for 13 kW solar systems are available, with some providers offering systems starting at around $9,800. These budget-friendly systems, also known as “Quality on a Budget” packages, provide lower output power and durability while ensuring long-term performance.

Although these systems may not have the highest efficiency or the most advanced features, they can still save you a significant amount on your electricity bills. It’s crucial to weigh the initial cost against the potential savings and determine if a budget-friendly option is suitable for your needs and expectations.

Mid-tier choices

Mid-tier choices for 13 kW solar systems provide a cost-effective and efficient solution, incorporating reputable brands and reliable components. The Mid Range Package comprises Suntech solar panels and Sungrow inverters. Such packages offer a great blend of value and performance.

These panels cost around $14,500 and are designed for users who seek top-quality features but are unable to purchase the high-end package.

While the Mid-Range Package is more expensive than the Quality-on-Budget package, it provides superior components. This choice strikes a balance between cost and performance, ensuring a reliable system that will generate savings for years.

Premium selections

Premium solar panels cost about $18,000+ and usually prioritise high-quality components and features for optimal efficiency and output. These high-end 13 kW solar systems cater to those who prioritise quality and seek a long-lasting solution. Investing in a larger solar system with top-quality panels and inverters can generate more energy, potentially leading to more cost-efficiency in the long run.

Although the initial investment for premium selections may be higher, the long-term benefits, including higher efficiency, increased output, and extended service life, make them an attractive choice for those willing to invest in a top-performing solar system.

Government rebates and incentives for a 13 kW solar system

The Australian Federal Government and some states, like Victoria, offer rebates and incentives to help reduce the cost of installing a 13 kW solar system. These include Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STCs), Feed-in Tariffs, Solar for Low-income Households, and Home Battery Schemes.

A 13 kW solar system qualifies for an average rebate of $5,856, but this amount depends on your location or STC zone.

Taking advantage of these government incentives and rebates can significantly reduce the upfront cost of your solar system. Before purchasing and installing a 13 kW solar system, research the incentives available in your region and ensure you’re maximising the financial benefits available to you.

A family discussing the government solar incentives

Rebate amount by location

Here is a table showing the rebate amount you can get for your 13 kW solar system based on your STC zone.

STC zone CitySTC ratingNumber of STCsRebate Amount
1Townsville, Darwin1.622168 $6,636
2Alice Springs1.536159 $6,280.5
3Perth, Canberra, Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney1.382143 $5,648.5
4Melbourne 1.185123 $4,858.5

Note: The current STC price stands at $39.50

Learn more about solar STCs here.

Power output and energy generation of a 13 kW solar system

A 13 kW solar system generates about 50 kWh to 55 kWh of energy per day. The exact amount of energy the system generates will depend on your location and other factors, such as the weather and solar panel orientation. For instance, the system will generate less power in the winter and more power in the summer.

13 kW solar system output in major cities in Australia

Here is a table showing the amount of electricity an 13 kW solar system can generate in different cities in Australia.

City/StateDaily Power Production (kWh)Annual Power Production (kWh)
Brisbane, QLD54.6019,929
Sydney, NSW50.7018,506
Perth, WA57.2020,878
Melbourne, VIC46.8017,082
Adelaide, SA54.6019,929
Hobart, TAS45.5016,608
Canberra, ACT55.9020,404
Darwin, NT57.2020,878

Factors affecting power output and efficiency of a 13 kW solar system


The efficiency of a 13 kW solar system can be influenced by factors such as:

  • Location
  • Roof orientation and pitch
  • Solar panel efficiency
  • Solar panel tilt and angle
  • Shading from nearby trees and buildings
  • Climate
  • Inverter type and quality

These factors affect the amount of sunlight that reaches the solar panels, ultimately impacting the energy that can be generated. For instance, if the solar panels are in a location with considerable shade, it will likely reduce the amount of energy produced compared to an area with full sun exposure.

Understanding these factors is crucial for maximising your solar system’s potential and ensuring optimal performance. Properly assessing your property’s conditions and taking these factors into account when designing and installing your solar system can help you achieve the highest possible efficiency.

How many solar panels do I need for a 13 kW solar system?

A 13 kW solar system can be made up of anywhere between 30 and 40 solar panels, depending on their wattage. For instance, you can use 35, 370W solar panels to make up a 13 kW solar system.


13,000 Watts / 370W (panel size) = 35 panels

Here are common solar panel sizes that can make up a 13 kW solar system:

  • 330W x 40 (solar panels) = 13.20 kW
  • 350W x 37 (solar panels) = 12.95 kW
  • 370W x 35 (solar panels) = 12.95 kW
  • 390W x 34 (solar panels) = 13.26 kW
  • 400W x 33 (solar panels) = 13.20 kW
  • 420W x 31 (solar panels) = 13.02 kW
  • 450W x 29 (solar panels) = 13.05 kW
  • 480W x 27 (solar panels) = 12.96 kW
  • 500W x 26 (solar panels) = 13.00 kW

Depending on the amount of roof space you have, you can use more lower-efficiency panels or fewer higher-efficiency panels to make up your 13 kW solar system.

Roof space requirements for a 13 kW solar system

Typically, the amount of roof space required for your 13 kW solar system will depend on the size (wattage), layout, and design of your solar panels. Standard solar panels measure 1.6 m2 (1.6m x 1.0 m), but bigger panels measure 1.75 m2 (1.75m x 1.0m).

For example, each 370W solar panel measures approximately 1.75 m2. Therefore, if you use these panels, you will need about 61.25 square metres of roof space.

1.75 x 35 370-watt panels = 61.25 m2 of roof space

Higher efficiency panels will require less roof space.


1.75 x 26 500-watt panels = 45.5 m2 of roof space

Before committing to a 13 kW solar system, assessing your available roof space and determining if it can accommodate the required number of panels is essential. Consulting with a solar installation professional can help you evaluate your property and design a system that fits your space and energy needs.

Comparing savings and payback periods

A 13kWh system has the potential to pay you back within a few short years and become an asset thereafter. With a warranty period of 25 years, electricity prices won’t be an issue for a while to come.

How much can a 13 kW solar system save me?

The potential savings and payback periods for a 13 kW solar system depend on your energy consumption, electricity rates, and system price. A household with high energy usage and a 13 kW solar system can expect to save approximately $1,000 to $1,300 each quarter, or between $4,000 and $5,200 a year.

The exact amount your 13 kW solar system can save you will depend on how much solar energy you can use at the time of generation. The more power you use, the higher your savings will be.

Typically, you will save between 22 and 30 cents per kWh, depending on the cost of power in your area. And if you send excess energy to the grid, you will be paid about 5 to 13 cents per kWh, depending on your electricity retailer.

Payback period and return on investment

The typical payback period for a 13 kW solar system ranges from 3 to 6 years. After this period, you will be able to enjoy free electricity until your solar system expires.

It’s essential to consider the long-term benefits when comparing different solar system options. A higher initial investment may result in more significant savings over time, especially if you opt for a more efficient system with better components. Additionally, selling excess energy back to the grid can further reduce your electricity bills and increase your overall savings.

Determining if a 13 kW solar system is the right fit for your needs

To choose the right solar system for your needs, you must consider your energy consumption, budget, and available roof space. Consulting your electricity bill is the most reliable approach to assessing your power consumption.

Finding the right balance between cost, efficiency, and space is essential to ensure you achieve the maximum benefits from your solar system investment.

Who are the ideal users of a 13 kW solar system?

A 13 kW solar system is an ideal solution for large households with high energy usage and commercial properties looking to reduce their electricity bills.

If you are a residential or commercial customer using between 49.3 kWh and 78 kWh per day, then a 13 kW solar system could be an excellent choice to help reduce power bill costs.

What can a 13 kW solar system run?

A 13 kW solar system is a large-sized solar system for residential customers, and it can help reduce electric bills for commercial customers.

Here is what you can run with a 13 kW solar system:

  • Reverse-cycle air conditioner
  • Swimming pool and hot tub
  • Refrigerators, TVs, and lights
  • A kitchen with large ovens and induction cooktops
  • Washers and dryers
  • An electric vehicle
  • A workshop or a granny flat that needs additional electricity

13 kW solar system with battery price

If you use about 30% of the energy your solar system produces during the day, you will need to store the remaining 70% to use at night during power outages and overcast days.

That said, you will need a battery with a capacity of 35 kWh for your 13 kW solar system to store the excess energy.

And since the cost of battery systems in Australia ranges between $800 and $2,000, your 35 kWh solar battery will cost around $28,000 to $70,000, depending on its type and quality.

Your 13 kW solar system with a battery will therefore cost between $42,050 and $84,050.

Maintenance and warranty considerations

Maintenance and warranty options are essential considerations when investing in a 13 kW solar system, as they ensure long-term efficiency and peace of mind. Proper upkeep of solar panels can extend their lifespan to a minimum of 25 years. Most solar panels have an estimated output warranty of 20–25 years, providing assurance and protection for your investment.

It’s essential to be aware of the potential disadvantages of low-cost solar panels, such as lower long-term durability and instances of failure in Australia’s extreme climate. Investing in a system with a robust warranty and maintenance plan can ensure optimal performance and protect your investment in the long run.


Based on the advice of experts, a 13 kW solar system may be worth it if you are consuming more than 40 kWh per day.

If you consume less power, a smaller system might be more appropriate. Thus, it depends on your specific energy consumption habits.

Keep in mind that investing in high-quality panels and a reputable inverter brand will likely result in better performance and a longer service life.

With a 13.2kW solar system, you can expect to generate an average of up to 52 to 58 kWh of energy each day. This is enough electricity to power several homes and businesses.

A 13.2 kW solar system is composed of 30 to 45 panels, but the exact number will depend on the capacity or wattage of the panels.