What Percentage Of Australians Have Rooftop Solar Installed?

Solar power is the go-to for Australian households and companies looking for a boost. Take a stroll through any neighbourhood, and you’ll see roofs adorned with solar panels in all directions.

As it stands now, 30% of Australian households have installed rooftop solar panels. Just over 3 million households in Australia use solar panels as their primary source of energy. This makes Australia the leading country in solar energy uptake globally.

Government efforts to encourage more and more Australians to adopt solar have had a positive impact. Thus, these large numbers of rooftop solar panel installations.

What Percentage Of Australians Have Rooftop Solar Installed

Rising Electricity Bills

More and more Australians are installing rooftop solar to escape the rising electricity bills. Home electricity bills have increased significantly due to the rising power demand. It is becoming difficult for many Australian households to pay their electricity bills.

With rooftop solar installed, many households have experienced a significant reduction or elimination of their electricity bills.

Government incentives

The federal and state governments introduced incentives for acquiring solar panels. One of the most popular government incentives is the solar rebate. The solar rebate is a state government discount program for new solar customers.

You receive a discount on your rooftop solar panels if you purchase from an accredited installer. The larger the capacity of your solar panels, the larger the rebate.

State governments also have incentives to encourage uptake of solar. Depending on where you live, you can get an interest-free loan for a solar battery system.

Falling Prices Of Solar Panels

Over the years, as demand for solar panels has risen the price has fallen significantly. Consequently, more and more people have acquired solar panels.

A fall in the price of solar panels has also led to a reduction in the amount of the rebate and a gradual phasing by December 2030.

Solar panel production technology has also improved. It has led to a further fall in the price of solar panels. With new and better production technology, more manufacturers have entered the market with cheaper and more efficient panels.

Favorable Climate

The Australian climate is one of the best for solar use. Australia has over 300 days of sunshine. Households with rooftop solar are sure they can use it for most of the year.

Solar panels absorb heat from the sun and convert it into electricity. You can use this electricity to power your home rather than relying on inconvenient grid electricity.

Off-grid Solutions

For many people who live away from the city, rooftop solar is a way to have sufficient power in their homes. There is a variety of solar panels available for households. You can get a low-capacity solar system for use in the peak hours of grid electricity or a high-capacity solar system to power your home full-time.

Consequently, you can become energy independent by reducing your reliance on the electricity grid.

Rising Electricity Bills

Benefits Of Solar

Saves you Money

Installing rooftop solar significantly reduces your electricity bill. Electricity bills are a major expense for many households. With rooftop solar, you can reduce or eliminate your bill.

Many households with rooftop solar still use grid electricity. However, the longer you use solar power in a day, the less reliance on grid power and thus, the lower your electricity bill.

Little to No Maintenance Required

Once you have installed your rooftop solar panels, you will never need to have them maintained.

Solar panels have a long lifespan and are made from durable materials. Thus, proper installation is required to ensure that they provide power efficiently.

Energy Independence

As grid electricity becomes more expensive, more and more households are seeking ways to produce their energy.

Rooftop solar is an efficient way for households to become energy independent and avoid reliance on grid electricity and electricity retailers.

Suitable For Different Sizes Of Households

Rooftop solar panels are available in different production capacities. You can install a 5-10kw capacity solar system if you have a large house. For a smaller house with fewer appliances to power, you can install a 1 – 4kW capacity solar panel system.

The larger the production capacity of your solar panels, the more you will pay for purchase and installation.

Suitable For Different Sizes Of Households

Disadvantages Of Solar

Weather & Location Based

A major disadvantage of rooftop solar is that it is reliant on the weather. On cloudy and cold days, your rooftop solar produces at low rates. You may have to use more electricity on such days.

Or, you may need to install an expensive solar battery system to store power from your solar panels for use on days when there’s little sunshine.

Use This Free Tool

If you want to install rooftop solar, you need it done professionally. You need to get in touch with an accredited installer.

Gosolarquotes.com.au is a free tool that connects you to accredited solar installers in two steps.

First, fill in your location at the top of the page.

Then, fill the application form and offer more information on your rooftop solar needs.

You will then receive a minimum of three quotes and advice from an accredited installer. It provides you with the chance to compare rooftop solar installation prices without the obligation to hire.

Choose an installer with a local Australian office, and who has completed similar projects to yours.