What Can a 2 kW Solar System Run?

Perfect for smaller homes and businesses, a 2 kW solar system offers a fantastic opportunity to cut down on your power bills.

Producing 8kWh of power per day, a 2 kW system can run several appliances, including a fridge/ freezer, dishwasher, 2 x LCD TVs, Wifi, 1 laptop and lighting for a 1 – 2 bedroom unit.

Below you will see an itemised list of appliances you can run.

  • A 2kW solar system produces 8 kWh/day and typically consists of solar panels, an inverter, and mounting hardware.
  • It can effectively power small appliances for one or two people in a smallish apartment. It will not be enough to run air conditioning.
  • It offers long-term savings with the potential for up to $1,000 per year in energy bill reduction.

Appliances That A 2KW Solar System Can Run

A 2KW solar system will produce up to 8 kWh per day. With 8kW hours of power in total, you can run a bunch of electrical appliances in a 1-2 bedroom unit. The appliances that can be powered by a 2kW solar system mainly depend on the system’s capacity and the energy consumption of the appliances.

Appliance Watts per hourAvg. Hours used dailyTotal
Hot water system (50L electric)120011200
Microwave150015 mins375
Refrigerator/ Freezer120242880
Washing machine5001500
2 x LCD televisions605300
1 x Laptop1003300
Lights for 1-2 bedroom unit (10 x 7 Watt356210
LED lights [60W equivalent per globe])
Total 7,629

Note: Daily hours are calculated by taking the average weekly usage and dividing by 7 days. For example with clothes dryer use, 71.8% of households own a clothes dryer, and 74.4% of people use the clothes dryer for every load. With the average house doing 2.5 loads per week and time per load being 1 hour each time, average 2 hours per week and 0.3 of an hour per day. Also, in the chart above, 1 hour is represented as “1”, where 30 minutes is represented as 0.5 hours. Daily watt figures sourced from energyusecalculator.com

What Can a 2 kW Solar System Run

Small Appliances and Electronics

Small appliances and electronics refer to devices that utilise electricity for various functions, ranging from lighting and computing to entertainment. Examples of small appliances and electronics that a 2kW solar system can power include LED light bulbs, a laptop, 2 x 42″ LED TV, and WiFi.

By understanding the energy consumption of various small appliances and electronics, you can better plan how to utilise the energy generated by your 2kW solar system or to know if you need to shoot for a larger system.

Larger Appliances with Limitations

While a 2kW solar system can power basic electrical appliances such as LED lights, fans, a refrigerator, and a small air conditioner for a few hours, it may not be sufficient to run larger appliances like washing machines or dryers. For example, a 5000 BTU air conditioner is estimated to use approximately 2.5 kWh of energy per day.

To run an air conditioner with a 2kW solar system, the continuous and surge power rating should not exceed the inverter’s capacity, and the AC must be rated for 115V to be compatible with the 110/115V inverter output.

Understanding the limitations of a 2kW solar system when it comes to powering larger appliances can help you make informed decisions about your energy usage and plan for any necessary upgrades or adjustments.

Understanding a 2kW solar system

A 2kW solar system is a renewable energy solution that consists of solar panels, an inverter, and batteries. It has the potential to generate 8 kWh/day at peak efficiency, depending on factors such as location, roof orientation, and shading.

This size system is typically suitable for households with 1-3 people with relatively low energy requirements. The estimated cost of a 2kW solar system ranges between $2,500 and $4,500.

When considering a 2kW solar system, it’s important to understand its components and how they work together to harness the power of the sun.

Components of a 2kW solar system

The primary components of a 2kW solar system include:

  • Solar panels
  • Inverter
  • Mounting hardware

Typically, a 2kW system with a string inverter requires a minimum of 6 panels. 415W Q Cells panels are commonly used.

415W x 5 Panels = 2,075W

To optimise the output of solar power and, it’s recommended to have the panels facing north.

For a 2kW solar system, Enphase microinverters are suggested. These microinverters allow for the creation of arrays with varied orientations and angles and the ability to accommodate partial shading on the roof. By choosing the right components and arranging them effectively, you can maximise the efficiency and energy production of your 2kW solar system.

Energy Generation and Efficiency

A 2kW solar system can produce up to 8 kilowatts of electricity per day. THis is enough to power a small house or flat. However, the system’s electrical output can be influenced by factors such as location, amount of sunlight, weather conditions, season, and the tilt angle and orientation of the solar system.

To make the most of your 2kW solar system, it’s essential to understand the factors that impact its performance and make necessary adjustments to ensure maximum efficiency. By optimising the system’s components, layout, and orientation, you can harness the power of the sun more effectively and enjoy greater energy savings.

Roof Space Requirements for a 2kW Solar System

Before selecting a company to install your solar panels, you need to do a couple of quick calculations to work out how many panels and how much roof space you will need for a 2kWh solar system.

Number of panels

The number of solar panels required for a 2kW system is between 5 and 10, depending on the wattage and efficiency of each panel.

Limited roof space can be overcome with more efficient panels. For example 8 x 250W panels will be required to produce 2,000W or 2kWh of electricity.

Or 5 x 420W solar panels can be used to produce 2,100W or 2.1kW of power.

Roof space required

A standard solar panel is 1.6m x 1m for a total 1.6 square meters. To work out the roof space you need to multiply the number of panels by 1.6m2.

Example 1 = 8 x 250w solar panels x 1.6m2 = 12.8m2 of roof space

Example 2 = 5 x 420W solar panels x 1.6m2 = 8.0m2 of roof space

Roof Orientation and Shading

The roof orientation and shading are essential factors to consider when installing a 2kW solar system, as they can impact its energy production. The optimal roof orientation for a 2kW solar system is north-facing. To maximise efficiency, solar panels should be positioned to face the sun for the maximum number of hours without any shadows being cast on them.

Taking the time to assess and plan for the roof orientation and shading can help you get the most out of your 2kW solar system. By ensuring that the panels receive the optimal amount of sunlight, you can increase the overall performance and energy production of your system.

Battery Storage for a 2kW Solar System

Battery storage for a 2kW solar system is quite affordable. The ideal battery storage solution for your 2kW solar system depends on daily energy consumption and peak sun hours, but generally households use 30% of energy during the day and 70% at night.

This means you need 1.4kW of battery storage (2kW x 70% = 1,4kW)

Solar batteries Cost about $850 – $1,200 per kWh of storage, so you will pay about $1,350 for a 1.4kW battery)

Financial Benefits of a 2kW Solar System

Investing in a 2kW solar system offers significant financial benefits, including reducing your energy bills by up to $850/year and a return on investment within 4 – 7 years. The financial benefits of a 2kW solar system can vary depending on factors such as usage patterns and solar energy utilisation.

In the following sections, we’ll discuss the potential energy bill reduction and payback period associated with a 2kW solar system, helping you understand the financial benefits of investing in this renewable energy solution.

Energy Bill Reduction

The amount of energy a 2kW solar system can offset depends on factors such as usage patterns, efficiency and solar energy utilisation. For time-of-use billing, up to $850/year can be saved, while flat-rate billing can offer up to approximately $750/year in savings.

A 2kW solar system can potentially reduce a quarterly power bill by approximately $200 if all of the solar power is utilised in the home.

Additionally, the feed-in tariff for excess solar power in Australia is typically between 5c and 13c per kWh. By signing up for a feed-in torrid with your energy supplier you can maximise the financial benefits and speed up your ROI.

Payback Period and Long-term Savings

The payback period for a 2kW solar system is generally between 4-5 years, offering long-term savings in the form of reduced energy bills. The payback period can vary depending on factors such as the cost of electricity in your region, the size and efficiency of your solar system, and the amount of sunlight you receive daily and if you install a battery. For a 2kW solar system using top-quality brands, the estimated payback period is between 4 to 6 years.

Understanding the payback period and long-term savings associated with a 2kW solar system can help you make informed decisions about your investment in solar power and ensure that you enjoy the financial benefits of this renewable energy solution.

Preparing for Future Energy Needs

As energy needs evolve, it’s important to consider how you can prepare for the future. Upgrading to a larger solar system or incorporating solar batteries and smart technology can help you meet your future energy needs and enjoy continued benefits from your renewable energy investment.

In the following sections, we’ll discuss the advantages and factors to consider when upgrading to a larger solar system or incorporating solar batteries and smart technology, helping you plan for your future energy needs.

Upgrading to a Larger Solar System

Upgrading to a larger solar system can offer increased energy for your home, enabling you to operate more appliances and electronics. It’s important to remember that solar rebates are paid only once per property, so you are best getting a larger system upfront, rather than upgrading later. Solar inverters are different the larger the system, so plan for the future when you initially install to save thousands.

Upgrading can be achieved by either adding:

  • Additional solar panels to the existing system
  • Larger inverter capacity
  • or by installing a brand new solar system alongside the existing one.

By understanding the advantages and factors to consider when upgrading to a larger solar system, you can make informed decisions about how to meet your future energy needs and enjoy continued benefits from your renewable energy investment.


A 2kW solar system is sufficient to cover the needs of an average household that requires 8kWh of electricity per day. However, depending on your specific energy requirements, you may want to consider a higher-capacity system.

Based on the average amount of sunlight in a day, a 2KW solar system will generate about 8-kilowatt hours (kWh) per day.