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Ben McInerney

Review Board Member
CEO, Researcher, Editor
Expertise: Solar PV Research, Arboriculture, Content Wizard
Education: TAFE NSW


Ben is a renewable energy enthusiast and developed a passion for solar while helping his brother Leigh install solar panels on the Central Coast. With an environmental science-based background, transitioning into renewable energy was seamless. Ben has helped thousands of Australians understand roof-top solar and enabled them to make the best choice before their purchase.

Latest by Ben McInerney

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Ben McInerney Contact Ben or follow him on social media Envelope Linkedin Facebook Contact BACKGROUND Ben is a renewable energy enthusiast and developed a passion for solar while helping his brother Leigh install solar panels on the Central Coast. With an environmental science-based background, transitioning into renewable energy was seamless. Ben has helped thousands of …

How do we use solar energy at night

If you’ve just installed solar panels in your home, or you’re thinking about it, one question that puzzles most people is whether solar panels can store energy. The answer is No. Solar panels can’t store the energy they produce for later use. To store solar energy, you’ll have to make use of solar batteries or …

How Do I Calculate How Much Battery I Need For My Solar System

The quantity of solar batteries required hinges on your system’s size, how much power you use, and your goals for the battery setup. The solar battery you will most likely need is a 14kWh which comes as a single unit. It is by far the most popular size and suits solar systems 5 – 6.6kW …

best feed in tariffs NSW

Energy suppliers will pay you a wholesale price for any surplus solar energy you export back to the grid. This is known as a feed-in tariff or net metering. The cost is less than the purchase rate during buyback, yet when integrated with your solar panel system,  this still into substantial reductions in your electricity …

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