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Ben McInerney

Review Board Member
CEO, Researcher, Editor
Expertise: Solar PV Research, Arboriculture, Content Wizard
Education: TAFE NSW


Ben is a renewable energy enthusiast and developed a passion for solar while helping his brother Leigh install solar panels on the Central Coast. With an environmental science-based background, transitioning into renewable energy was seamless. Ben has helped thousands of Australians understand roof-top solar and enabled them to make the best choice before their purchase.

Latest by Ben McInerney

Most Solar Energy Installed in Australia by State

Australia is one of the countries in the western world encouraging their citizens to move from fossil fuels to more green options like solar energy. The solar energy industry in Australia is one of the fastest-growing sectors, with over 3.2 million solar energy installations and a combined output of 27,000 MW (27 GW) all over …

solar bonus scheme qld 44c feed in fariff

The solar bonus scheme in Queensland, introduced in 2008, was offering 44 cents feed-in tariff (FiT) for every kilowatt hour of extra power you produce and feed into the grid. This 44c FiT price ended in July 2012 and has been replaced with the regional FiT. The regional FiT is set by the Queensland Competition …

Can I Claim The Solar Rebate Twice in QLD

Indeed, you qualify to apply for solar rebates in Queensland twice. The allocation of these rebates is determined by the property address, not the person applying. This means if you own several properties, you can claim the solar system rebate for each one of your residences. What if I want a second system on the …

STC zone map QLD Australia

As evident from the map overlay provided below, Queensland encompasses STC zones 1, 2, and 3, which vary according to your residential location within the state. Most of the Queensland land mass is in Zone 1, but most of the population lives in Zone 3, which covers Brisbane, Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast. There …

Solar Panel System Cost in QLD

The cost of solar is on the rise in Queensland due to the reduction in the solar rebate each year. Because electricity prices are also rising, the ROI of solar is even more attractive. In Queensland, an average 6.6 kW solar system will cost  $6,978 while a 10kw solar system costs $9,571 after any rebates …

Can I Get Free Solar Panels in Victoria

Putting in solar panels can often be quite expensive, putting it beyond the budget for many households. However, in Victoria, there are a few programs on offer designed to reduce the initial costs involved in getting solar panels installed. While there are no free solar panels in Victoria, there are initiatives that will help you …

what are stcs in solar

A Small-scale technology certificate represents the generation of 1 megawatt-hour of renewable power through a solar panel setup. The number of these certificates generated varies based on the system’s location, its capacity, and the installation date. Under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES), STCs are used to calculate the rebate you are entitled to when …

How many batteries do I need for a 30kw solar system

A 30 kW solar system is a high-capacity system ideal for large homes and businesses. So, if your typical daily usage ranges from 80 to 120 kWh, then the 30 kW system would be suitable for your needs. Hence, if you already have the system or are planning to purchase it, you should consider investing …

Do Solar Panels Attract Lightning

There are many myths attached to solar panels and lighting. Many people believe that installing solar panels in their homes can increase the risk of lightning attacks. But is this true? No. Solar panels do not attract lightning, and their metal racking does not increase the risk of lightning strikes. Both rooftop and ground mounted …

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