Ben is a renewable energy enthusiast and developed a passion for solar while helping his brother Leigh install solar panels on the Central Coast. With an environmental science-based background, transitioning into renewable energy was seamless. Ben has helped thousands of Australians understand roof-top solar and enabled them to make the best choice before their purchase.Latest by Ben McInerney
Perfect for smaller to medium-sized houses, a 4kW system has got what it takes to supply enough juice for a variety of home appliances including a washing machine, dishwasher, fridge, TV, lights, and more extra bits and pieces. With the potential for significant savings and government rebates, it’s time to take a closer look at …
In today’s world, where sustainability and energy efficiency are paramount, harnessing solar power to run appliances like fridges is gaining popularity. Whether you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint or seeking off-grid solutions, solar-powered refrigeration offers a reliable and eco-friendly alternative. Fridges need a steady supply of electricity to maintain the freshness of food. On …
The photovoltaic process is basically how the absorbed sunlight converts into electricity. The photovoltaic effect is the process that involves two dissimilar materials coming into contact to produce voltage or electricity when exposed to light or radiant energy. This effect is what ables solar panels to be useful because the photovoltaic cell inside the panel …
Australia is one of the countries in the western world encouraging their citizens to move from fossil fuels to more green options like solar energy. The solar energy industry in Australia is one of the fastest-growing sectors, with over 3.2 million solar energy installations and a combined output of 27,000 MW (27 GW) all over …
Continue reading “Most Solar Energy Installed in Australia by State”
Kicked off in 2008, Queensland’s solar bonus scheme offered a 44-cent feed-in tariff (FiT) for every kilowatt-hour of excess electricity returned to the grid. This 44c FiT deal wrapped up in July 2012 and was followed by the regional FiT. The regional FiT is set by the Queensland Competition Authority each year and is paid …
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Absolutely, you’re qualified to apply for solar rebates in Queensland not just once, but twice. The eligibility for these rebates is determined by the property’s location, not who is applying. Essentially, if you own several properties, you’re allowed to claim the solar system rebate for each and every house you own. What if I want …
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As illustrated by the map overlay presented below, Queensland covers STC zones 1, 2, and 3, with the precise zone you fall into depending on your home’s location in the state. Most of the Queensland land mass is in Zone 1, but most of the population lives in Zone 3, which covers Brisbane, Gold Coast …
The cost of solar power is on the rise in Queensland due to the annual reduction in the solar rebate. With the price of electricity also skyrocketing, the prospect of investing in solar is becoming increasingly attractive. In Queensland, an average 6.6 kW solar system will cost $7,332 while a 10kw solar system costs $10,142 …
Fitting solar panels can often come with a hefty price tag, putting it out of reach for many families. However, in Victoria, there are several schemes designed to reduce the initial costs associated with installing solar panels. While there are no free solar panels in Victoria, there are initiatives that will help you get solar …