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Ben McInerney

Review Board Member
CEO, Researcher, Editor
Expertise: Solar PV Research, Arboriculture, Content Wizard
Education: TAFE NSW


Ben is a renewable energy enthusiast and developed a passion for solar while helping his brother Leigh install solar panels on the Central Coast. With an environmental science-based background, transitioning into renewable energy was seamless. Ben has helped thousands of Australians understand roof-top solar and enabled them to make the best choice before their purchase.

Latest by Ben McInerney

solar rooftop subsities rebates sa

Thanks to the SA government rebates and the decreasing prices of solar panels, residents of South Australia can now install a solar panel system without breaking the bank. The average rebate on Solar in South Australia is $2,476. It varies depending on the size of your system. The bigger the size, the bigger the rebate.  …

Solar rebate NSW

The NSW solar rebate provides Australian residents with significant financial benefits for installing solar panels, with the goal of moving away from traditional fossil fuels towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly options. It’s an excellent opportunity for families eager to reduce their expenses and contribute positively to the environment. Delve into the details, and you’ll …

Solar panels on a cloudy day

There are clouds, and there are clouds! To answer this question, We must first clarify what we mean by “cloudy days”. We are not a blue sky with the odd white fluffy cloud but a complete cloud cover. Solar panels still work on cloudy days, but energy production can be far lower than on a …

Solar battery storage

As the world shifts towards sustainable energy solutions, the spotlight on solar battery storage has become increasingly remarkable. These innovative devices play a vital role in increasing and maximising the efficiency of your solar power system. With solar battery storage, you can store the excess energy your solar panels generate and reduce your reliance on …

Who is eligible for the solar rebate

The Australian solar rebate has been operational for quite some time now, providing Aussies with a significant financial incentive to install solar panels. Via the STC scheme. Australians can access rebates that cover over 50% of the initial solar cost. So far, millions of Australians across the country have installed small-scale residential solar PV systems …

3kW solar system cost category image

The price of a 3 kW solar setup can differ based on the installer, the gear involved, and the size of the rebate offered by your state government. A standard 3 kW solar system could cost around $4,270 in Australia, all factors considered [1]. There are some brands that offer great quality at a reasonable …


6.6 kW solar systems are becoming increasingly popular across Australia in 2024 [1], largely due to their affordability, ideal size, and generous government subsidies. On average, a 6.6 kW solar system costs around $7,500 – $9,500 before any Small-Scale Technology Tokens (STCs) have been deducted2. However, generally, typical pre-rebate cost of an installed 6.6kW solar system …

Solar Battery Rebate

Solar batteries might cost a fair bit for many Aussies. However, a federal government STC rebate helpfully reduces the cost and simplifies the process of setting up a standard grid-connected solar PV system in your house. This rebate program for solar PV systems was established to motivate more Australians to switch to renewable energy. In …

solar panel installation cost category image

The cost of installing a solar panel system will depend on the size of the system you need, the company used to install the system, and the size of the rebate your state gives. The average cost of a solar system installed is $7,063. Priced quoted by companies always include installation. The cost of solar …